Nature Trail of Vítězslav Novák
The three-kilometre-long trail from the chateau to gamekeeper's lodge Johanka familiarizes the visitors with the nature, forest management and points of interest of the Kamenice region and with the life and work of Vítězslav Novák, the native of Kamenice and composer.
The trail was opened ceremoniously on Sunday 26 August 1984 by the SVN members. The reconstructed trail was re-opened on the celebration of the Earth Day in April 2006. Length: 3 km; number of stops: 12.
Trail route:
Kamenice nad Lipou (Chateau) - Hamerky - Pecovský Pond - Larch Alley - Gamekeeper's Lodge Johanka.
The chateau was built in the place of a Gothic castle of the 13th century by reconstruction (from Gothic to Renaissance style) under the rule of Jan Malovec in 1580-1583. The courtyard and the palace took the original areas, while spacious rooms were added outwardly to the walls and two floors of arcades were constructed, the first one being immured under the rule of Geymüllers. A wool crumpling shop was established in one of the chateau wings in 1839-1842. In the years 1946-1998 the chateau served as a children's sanatorium predominantly for treatment of respiratory diseases. The chateau has been administered by the Arts & Crafts Museum in Prague since 1998. The museum carries out the chateau reconstruction works. A memorial - bust of composer Vítězslav Novák, the work of sculptor Jan Kodet, was unveiled on 21 October 1995 in front of the chateau on the occasion of the celebration of composer's 125th birth anniversary.
A memorial to the memory of František Sadílek, teacher and founder of the scouting movement in Kamenice nad Lipou, who was killed in Mauthausen concentration camp on 26 September 1942, is also located in front of the chateau.
Chateau Pond
- Bog arum grows on the banks of the pond. Occurrence of the following protected plant species has been proved in the vicinity of Kamenice nad Lipou: western marsh orchid, spring snowflake, mountain snowbell, bogbean, and highly endangered species such as marsh lousewort and round-leaved sundew
Hamerky - forest park
- It bears its title according to the ironworks (tilt-hammers) established in 1799 by the then demesne owner Jan Nádherný. At the time, the Hamerky locality probably was treeless; the planting of park groups of trees was carried out in 1850 after production reduction in the ironworks. The planting of the Kameničky valley at Hamerky is attributed to baron Geymüller.
Rudolf's Sawmill
- The steam sawmill operation was started in 1874. The name Rudolf's Sawmill comes from 1943; it was nationalized two years later in 1945. Today, its name is Johanka Sawmill.
Pecovský Pond
- Located along the trail, its name comes from the furnaces (there was a tilt-hammer near the pond).
Dvouhrázný (Double-dam) Pond
- A double-dam mill was located here
Larch Alley
- Planted in 1835, the alley of about 118 larches goes towards gamekeeper's lodge Johanka
Gamekeeper's Lodge Johanka
- Built in 1793, home of the mother of composer V. Novák. Tree nursery Johanka growing coniferous, deciduous and decorative trees is located next to the gamekeeper's lodge.
Trail stops:
- 1. Initial stop at the chateau - Trail history and map. Signposts invite to visit the chateau and the garden with the memorable lime tree.
- 2. Notable trees - The stop familiarizes with the programme of listing notable trees growing on the land administered by enterprise Czech Forests (Lesy ČR) and presents the most valuable trees in the vicinity.
- 3. Water areas, wetland, brooks - The importance of water for landscape, examples of endangered animal and plant species bound with the water environment, landscape regeneration.
- 4. Nesting boxes - Various types of nesting boxes with pictures and descriptions of birds they serve to. The stop is completed with nesting boxes distributed on trees around.
- 5. Memorial trees and protected areas - A brief description and a map of memorial trees and natural monuments in the vicinity of Kamenice nad Lipou.
- 6. Vegetable kingdom - Examples of plants found in forests in our country
- 7. Animal kingdom - Pictures and descriptions of 6 species of mammals living in the vicinity
- 8. Trees - The stop teaches about the importance of trees. It presents the trees of our landscape with brief description and pictures.
- 9. Forest management - Natural conditions, status and composition of forests in the vicinity, forest management history and present
- 10. Pecovský Pond littoral zone - What is a littoral zone, what animals live here, their description and pictures. The stop has a rest area with a lookout to the littoral.
- 11. Territorial system of ecological stability - What is TSES? What is its purpose? Description and maps. The stop is located in the line of a regional ecological corridor.
- 12. Vítězslav Novák - The trail stop at gamekeeper's lodge Johanka is dedicated to one of the greatest natives of Kamenice. His life, work, relations to the town and the vicinity, completed with pictures.